5 Future Gaming Predictions for 2020


Future games are going to be bigger, more immersive, hyper-realistic and as you might also expect, powered by AI and other emerging technologies. The hardware on which the games are going to be run is also going to be state-of-the-art, especially the VR and AR sets. These two sets of technologies have not had a great impact in the gaming scene, but in 2020, we expect things to change for the better. In short, there are tons of things to expect on the gaming industry and in this piece, we will tell you 5 gaming predictions for 2020 and how they will impact on your gaming experience.

Hyper Immersive Virtual Reality Games

VR isn’t exactly a new thing, but it is yet to pick up steam in the manner that many technology pundits expected. VR was meant to revolutionize education, gaming, content streaming, and do so much more, but that didn’t exactly happen for several reasons. In the gaming sphere, VR adoption was held back by poor graphics and the lack of enough games to sustain an active gaming community. At the same time, many popular games like Fortnite are already well-established and there was no way they were going to be replaced by VR-inspired ones in just a couple of years.

But in the coming year, with developers having had enough time to improve on their VR and augmented reality experiences, and with the emergence of hardware and software solutions that make it easier to produce photo-realistic graphics and to merge different technologies, there is a reason to expect that 2020 will be the year that VR and augmented reality games hit big-time.

Gaming on the Cloud

Cloud computing is increasingly gaining importance in the computing world. With the advent of 5G technology, anyone with a decent internet connection will be able to play any game on their devices. Gamers will also no longer be required to download updates as games will automatically get updated in the cloud. At the same time, more gaming companies will opt for a subscription fee as opposed to a one-off payment. What all this means is that in 2020, gamers will not only have a greater choice, but will also be pulled into these huge online gaming communities that will have the power to command increased attention from developers and marketers.

Another plus for gamers is that they will no longer have to constantly rely on PC cleaning software to boost their computer’s performance, given that most of the action will be happening in the cloud. They will also not require knowledge of as many PC tips and tricks because again, most of the heavy lifting will happen in the cloud.

Open Source Game Development

Open source game development isn’t exactly a new thing, but it has never had the impact that other open-source projects have had over the years. But with the emergence of new software tools, similar or more versatile than the Godot Engine, it will be easier to create games collaboratively. Not to mention, there is an ever-growing number of indie and lone-wolf game developers who will reduce the oversized role that AAA game developers have right now. Beginning in 2020 or even earlier, we will start witnessing a proliferation of open source games.

Secondary Screens and Devices for Gaming

In recent years, the three gaming giants; Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony, have been tapping into the video game market on handheld devices, such as smartphones and tablets. They do this by creating supplementary devices and apps that users can use to augment their primary gaming device. Nintendo has the Wii U gamepad for this, Microsoft uses the Xbox SmartGlass app, while Sony has integrated its handheld PS Vita with the PlayStation 3 console. With these integrations in place, users can seamlessly switch between playing on their smartphones to their computers and vice versa without losing game time. 2020 will be the year that these cross-play features become the mainstay.

More Games like Pokémon

The phenomenal success of Pokémon Go was a great indication of the massive potential of augmented reality games. Several such games have been in development in the last few years and are slated for release in 2020. There will also be improvements in AR hardware by manufacturers, that will significantly improve user experiences.

And that closes our list of 5 future gaming predictions for 2020. You better stay prepared for the exciting new games and technologies by keeping your devices clean and performing at their best. So, get that Android cleaner app, or whatever it is that you use to keep your devices in top shape because the games are about to begin.


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