
6 Effective Exercise for Reducing Double-Chin

6 Effective Exercise for Reducing Double-Chin

Do you see a second chin sprouted in most of your selfies lately? Have you been worrying about toning your chin and neck and have a better face cut? Do you loathe the saggy skin beneath your chin? We are here to save you! Here’s the good news. You can achieve all this toning without having a surgery. You just have to add some targeted exercises to your daily routine to get rid of your double chin. Believe us it is not hard. You just need to give yourself a nudge with the right level of motivation. You have to have a strong will and determination to do it every day. Once you develop that will, the rest is easy. You can do these exercises in the gym or at home as per your convenience. If you choose to do it at home, know that Spectrum TV select package offers a good range of fitness-related channels. All you need is a yoga mat, a pair of trainers and your exercise clothes. Tune into the right channel and enjoy your workout.

About the double chin, you need to know some basics. While you age, your skin essentially loses its collagen as well as elasticity. This causes it to sag around your chin and neck area. Dermatologists believe that this process begins somewhere around the age of 20. Other factors that aggravate the process are, exposure to the sun, poor diet, and smoking. So, with the information in this blog post, you are going to work on two main muscles which make your neck, the platysma, and the sternocleidomastoid. To achieve some significant and visible results, try the following exercise. And you can achieve a tighter neck and hence a younger look. All the suggested exercises are coming from a professional trainer.

Achieve the Lost Glory of Your Neck

Following are the best 6 exercises which will help you tighten your neck and chin significantly.

  1. Tongue Press
  2. The O
  3. Pout and Tilt
  4. Kiss the Ceiling
  5. Side Neck Stretch
  6. Chin Rotations

Know how to do them.

Tongue Press


Sit with the back straight and your shoulders down. Then tilt the head back in a way that you can see the ceiling. Force press your tongue to the roof of the mouth to an excess that it is flat. Keep your tongue pressed against the roof of the mouth for a while and lower the chin towards your chest. Try to do it as much as you can. Make sure you don’t let your upper back to be in a curve or round. You will sense a feeling of contraction in your chin and front area of the neck. Relax your tongues now and go back to the starting position with a straight neck. One rep is complete here.

Try doing two sets of twenty reps each!

The O


Sit with the back straight and your shoulders down again. Tilt the head back and look at the ceiling. Now close your lips in a way that they are relaxed. While your lips are still closed, make an O with your mouth. Hold the position for at least 20 seconds. You’ll feel both sides of your neck contracting below the jawline. Now relax the mouth and get back to the starting position by lowering your chin. One rep is complete.

Try doing two sets of ten reps each!

Pout and Tilt


You can do it while in both, standing or a sitting position. Just stick out the lower lip as much as you can and form a pout. Now place a finger right on the chin. The skin would be puckered and wrinkly. Hold the contraction for a second and then contract your muscles at the front of the neck while your lip is still out. Lower the chin towards the chest as much as you can. Don’t let your upper back go curved during the whole movement. Now pause and try to hold for another couple of seconds. Relax the lips now and straighten the neck to go back to the starting position. One rep is complete.

Try doing two sets of twenty reps each!

Kiss the Ceiling


Stand tall with arms hanging at both sides. Look at the ceiling and try to kiss it. The puckering and extending movements will make your cheeks stretch. Force yourself to extend and pucker as much as you can. Hold for at least five seconds and then relax the lips. Go back to the starting position and lower the chin. One rep is complete.

Try doing two sets of fifteen reps each.

Side Neck Stretch


Sit on the floor and place a hand right on the floor. Keep the fingers down, almost a foot away from the hip. Make sure you don’t lean and rest heavily on the fingertips. Wrap the opposite arm from above your head and let your palm rest on the opposite ear. Make sure you keep your head aligned with the neck. Bend the head towards the shoulders. Now lift your fingertips from the floor and put them on the upper arm. Apply some pressure and press that shoulder down, further from the head. Hold the position for ten seconds. And then release your hands to go back to the starting position. Repeat the same on the other side now. One rep is complete.

Try doing three reps, each side!


Chin Rotations


You can do it in the standing or sitting position. Try elongating your spine and make your back long and straight. Now gently rotate the head to move it in a full circle from the shoulder, to the chest, to the shoulder, and back in the starting position. If complete rotations are hard for you, try doing semicircles (shoulder to shoulder). Ensure that your shoulders are down and back while you undergo all this movement. One rep is complete.

Try doing ten reps on each side!

If you are highly motivated, tune to a fitness channel with your Spectrum Double Play and follow the fitness guru for more exercises in addition to the aforementioned ones. Good to with achieving a tighter chin!