Wedding Photographers

7 Myths About Wedding Photographers: Busted

A big fat Indian wedding planning is incomplete without wedding photography. A wedding is one of the most precious moments in a person’s life. Every individual envisions having a perfect wedding in a mystical location amidst a fairytale setting offering a picturesque view. Perhaps you would want to preserve the moments and transform them into the memory of a lifetime; here arises the need for a photographer. A professional photographer captures the beautiful moments and converts them into a beautiful album.

However, there are many myths that bug a wedding photographer although several of them just sheer misconceptions! A wedding photographer’s work is not just restored to covering wedding ceremonies but rather it also comprises the post-production work. According to people booking wedding photographers is an add-on expense which is a misconception that is at par with reality. A professional photographer with abilities makes your wedding memorable.

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Are you getting married soon? Have the photography myths made you unsure about hiring the best wedding photographers in Chandigarh, Pune, or wherever you’re planning to get married? Here are some of the best photography myths that have been busted over time. Have a look at them.

  1. Wedding photographers charge outrageous rates

Everything in the world comes with a price tag.  For many weddings, photographs are synonymous to ripping off, to burning a hole in your pocket. Right from setting the equipment, leading up, to culling and editing the images a photographer’s job is tough. A wedding photographer has different shoot packages that differ on the basis of the shots and photography style and service opted for. The only time wedding photographers might charge extra is when they are investing more time and more effort.

  1. Wedding photographer’s job is easy

‘The grass is always greener on the other side, ever heard the saying? For people, a photographer’s job might seem easier which a misconception is. For getting the perfect shot, a photographer has to invest in more and not forgetting the numerous shots taken. Post the shot the selection and editing work takes place which is a tedious task and takes more than 8 hours. As for a bridal photoshoot, a photographer has to invest around 30 hours for getting the perfect bridal shoot.

  1. I have an expensive camera and my uncle or friend is good at photography then why do I hire a professional photographer

Owning an expensive camera doesn’t make you a photographer. A professional photographer has their own techniques, photography styles, and types of equipment. It takes years of toiling and input of efforts to become a professional photographer. An amateur photographer with a nook for photography cannot manage to capture the wedding emotions in a manner in which a professional photographer might do.

  1. Wedding photographers duties stop once they leave a wedding

A wedding photographer’s work is not just limited to a wedding venue, they are always on toes. Once the images are captured therein starts the main work of photographers of selecting the perfect clicks among the thousands of shots and then editing them. The work does not end there as they get the edited images printed and compiled in a manner to bring out the perfect wedding album.

  1. Wedding photography can never be a full-time business

This is one of the biggest misconceptions developed about wedding photographers. Commercial photography is a full-time business that often includes other services like prewedding shoots apart from the regular services. Wedding photographers drive their business from physical bookings but also earn a lot from the online wedding market on which they associate themselves.

  1. Choosing a beautiful venue paired with an enchanting décor is enough to make the photographs beautiful

A beautiful wedding venue with an enchanting décor no doubt beautifies a wedding photograph. Photography technique is what ups the game of wedding photographs. A skilled photographer with the perfect lighting and a good background is what yields stunning wedding photography. To add oodles of charm to your wedding photographer it is advisable to hire a professional photographer who possesses good photographic skills and holds a minimum of 5-6 years of experience.

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Did you find the most relevant? Tell us in the comments below about your thoughts on a wedding photographer. Read more about: Wedding photo editing