Do Digital Tools Make us Less Productive at work

Do Digital Tools Make us Less Productive at work

Do Digital Tools Make us Less Productive at work?

Nowadays, the easy access to the Internet and the availability of smartphones act as major distractions. If not anything else, you will find yourself playing the 127th level of Candy Crush. Because let’s face it, playing games is more important than submitting the report to the boss, isn’t it? Our generation is so addicted to social media and online games that we can go to any length for an uninterrupted online experience. For instance, content writers, teachers, webmasters, and students, some of them prefer to use different means to help them improve their writing.

Now if you ask me if the digital tools affect productivity at the workplace or not, here’s my stance…

Do Digital Tools Make us Less Productive at work
Do Digital Tools Make us Less Productive at work

Revenue Growth

Digital tools aim to make the workplaces more productive and efficient. Imagine the struggle account managers had to go through when they entered the whole data manually. Not only would that have been a pain but it also consumed a lot of their time. Apart from that, there were a lot of chances for human error messing up the calculations. Hence, affecting the results. However, with the advancement in technology, sophisticated and automated software have taken over. Now, one has to enter data, apply a formula and the system takes care of the rest. Not only has the work become easier for account managers but for everyone in general. Every employ is equipped with relevant tools. Making the workplace a more efficient and productive place. For example, rewrite tool along with plagiarism, and grammar tools are different means that may help a lot in email marketing, which may help you grow your business and sales.

Connect Wherever You Are

Communication barriers have reduced as well. In the past, if a head or anyone was the team was travelling, it was difficult to contact them. Now, you carry your office with you. Not only is a person who is outside the organization easily accessible but you can also have a live video chat with him. Hence, making it possible for employees to stay in touch with each other even when on the go. Businesses can now communicate 24/7 with the employees as well as their clients. Making it possible to expand the business globally as well. Mobile phones, laptops, and the Internet have been a blessing in disguise.


Networking opportunities have increased for individuals. With platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter, it is easy for companies and employers to connect with people in the same industry. You can even reach out to potential clients through these platforms. You do not even have to make an extra effort to email anyone to reach out to them. Just connect with them on any of these platforms. Start a conversation and see the potential prospects. Networking is way easier than what it was before. You do not even have to meet your potential customers or clients in person. This not only saves time but gives you an opportunity to reach out to more people.

Remote Access to PCs

With the evolution of technology came the concept of accessing PCs from anywhere in the world. Many companies have developed software that allows you to access virtual desktops. You can do so through any device from anywhere in the world.

Life couldn’t have been any better. However, everything comes with its set of cons. Where digital tools have made life easier in many aspects, it has also affected certain aspects of work productivity.

Diverting Attention

Not all digital tools are a blessing in disguise. Smartphones may help us connect with people whenever we want. But this is both a blessing and a curse. We have already discussed the blessing part of it. Now, let’s talk about the curse part. With the smartphones readily available to almost everyone these days, apps like Snapchat and Facebook distract the people from work. People cannot resist opening their mobiles to check the latest notifications. Or update their friend list regarding their day at work through the stories they post. If not this, individuals will download games that are at times so addictive that they get distracted.

Not only this, the telecommunication companies have come up with their apps that allow people to watch shows and movies by using wireless headphones. This even worsens the situation. That way you get access to unlimited entertainment, not only at home but also at the workplace!

What has the world come to!