Students Should Acquire Skills

Students Should Acquire Skills

Why Students Should Acquire Skills in Artificial Intelligence Today?

It is true that the rise of artificial intelligence is impacting the lives of many today posing a threat to human employment in the coming future. Is it a wonderment or fear? As much as we’re excited to see robots move, grasp things and perform tasks with efficiency, we’re equally petrified of the fact that these machines will take our jobs one day.

Robots will not take away jobs that humans were not capable to quickly perform but will reshape the task humans will be working in the future, but the fear is unfounded. Talking of AI reminds us about robots performing things on their own, perhaps they’ll be ordering humans in the near future. But this topic is debatable as to how it is going to pose a threat to the human race. Nonetheless, we may not realize, but AI has become a significant part of our lives today. From Google translation to movie recommendation on Netflix, digital personal assistants, reminders and online orders and many other expenses are some of the AI functions we’re making use of daily.

Students Should Acquire Skills
Students Should Acquire Skills

The younger generation who have just gotten through with college will soon be looking for career paths to build their future in. For those looking to make it big in the technical world, one shouldn’t have a doubt. Artificial intelligence. This technology is changing the way the world is functioning today.

The harsh truth

The International Labor Organization study predicts that the unemployment rate is set to rise by half a million this year and will reach 71 million. It is still of the highest concern that professionals in the technical field are living in a moderate way of life with a lack of skills in the latest technologies. Such professionals are said to fall under the same category – a staggering 40% of youth fall.

But are there any chances for tech professionals to upgrade their skills and get into job roles such as AI engineers and AI specialists? The worst part is that education is no longer a criterion to land a desirable job, especially in the tech field. Employers are keen on hiring candidates having exquisite skills in the latest technologies and not redundant technologies. And since it is the age of innovation, technology and automation recruiters tend to look for candidates with sharp technical skills.

The industry currently does not have enough trained AI engineers, thus instilling the need for AI skills. With industries making use of AI one way or the other now are finding ways to improve their business functions.

Imagine the world needs a million AI specialists today and what the industry has is a couple hundred thousand artificial intelligence professionals. There is a debate where some people say that the requirement for such professionals is around 300,000 and others say 600,000 and what is required in today’s world are a million engineers with artificial intelligence skills.

What do you need to know today?

According to Indeed, San Francisco, New York, and Washington D.C. are the topmost cities with the highest growth for AI engineers and Machine learning jobs this 2019.

With extreme growth for tech experts in the AI field, graduates must now focus on learning the skills that emphasize a lot more in building programming algorithms and henceforth. The field is beginning to change drastically and now students around the globe are realizing that there’s a lot more than just learning mathematics. Thus, catching up at the initial stage is recommended as the engineers of today still have do not have a match that syncs with the industry needs.

To conclude, students are pretty excited as they’re seeing enormous job opportunities and tremendous growth. Hailing a career in artificial intelligence is likely to stay promising in the foreseeable future.