Smoky Eye

Smoky Eye

Makeup Tips for The Perfect Smoky Eye

Every girl in this universe wants to be looked hot, sexy and attractive. There are some girls who are naturally hot and beautiful. This means they look very beautiful as well as attractive. But if you are not a woman who has the natural beauty then you must apply some makeup tricks for making yourself attractive. The smoky eye is one of the attractive things that maximum boys like. Generally, there are very few girls who have natural smoky eyes. I think you haven’t and that why you are searching for this topic on the web. Don’t worry, in this article, you will get the makeup tricks for perfect smoky eyes.

  1. Apply Primer:

As we open and close our eyes more than a thousand times, we lose the chance of lasting our makeup all day. If you want that your makeup will last all day, then you have to use Primer. Primer is very much important for any bold eyeshadow look.

  1. Highlight First:

Now, as eyeshadow needs to be applied and the baseline also should be brightening up, before doing that highlighter is needed to be applied on your brow bone and in the inner corner of your eye. Not only these but also it helps you to make your eyes brighter. Before using the highlighter please read this part carefully because here you get the perfect tip which will help you a lot. You are advised to use it on your brow bone. Using a highlighter will be more effective if it is used on the inner corners of your eyes open them up and on the very center of the lid to make your eyes pop. This is how a highlighter may help you to get success in this beautiful mission.

  1. Use Eye Pencil as A Base

Though this step is optional I will recommend you not to skip this step if you really want a perfect smoky eye. You can complete this step with the help of a simple black pencil eyeliner. Smudge the pencil all over the lid and then blend it with an eyeshadow brush. This procedure will really create a perfect base for your smoky eye. If you are not interested in a dramatic smoky eye then you can skip this step.

  1. Apply Lighter Shadow First:

Now the time of applying the eyeshadow comes. You need to start it by brushing the lightest colour of your smoky eye and apply the colour all over your lid. Then choose a light darker colour to apply it in your crease. After that choose a different colour which must be darker than the chosen colour of the inner crease, for the outer crease. Actually, you can not skip this step because the shadow is important for making your eye smoky. By following these steps mentioned here, you can complete this step.

  1. Play with Colors:

Generally, people think that the colour combination for a smoky eye must be black and white. But, this is not absolutely true because you can add one more colour that can give you a better result or can give you a more natural look. By adding Chocolate Brown or Brown with the combination of Black and White, can give you a better look. Besides, you can try one more combination of the Purple family. Start with a lavender, followed by a mauve, and complete the look with violet eyeliner. First, get confirmed that which combination is going with you and then try that combination.

  1. Add Warmth:

This step is also important. Actually, this step is for giving more dimension to your smoky eye. Adding warmth gives any smoky eye more dimension. To do so, firstly, you need to line underneath your eyes with the help of a black pencil. Then using a small shadow brush, put a brown shadow over the pencil. Then blend the two shades to create a rich colour.

  1. Blur Your Lines:

Now, we are in the 2nd last step i.e. now its time to blur the lines. This step should be done carefully. Swipe a crease brush along your lids to blend out the eye shadow, creating the signature smoky look you are after. Just remember that you need to blend the colour beneath your eyes too.

  1. Finish the Look:

Now, finally, it is time to finish the makeup. Actually, we have made your eye smoky in the last step. This step is for making up your face where the smoky eyes will be more attractive. In this case, you can apply a general makeup that you apply on your face regularly. Try that face makeup which makes you more gorgeous and more beautiful.

So, here the steps for making your eyes smoky. But at the time of making up, you should remember that the eye is the most sensitive organ of our body and the products are nothing but the chemicals. Though the manufacturer companies keep it in their mind that these products are going to be used on the nearest areas of the eyes but you should always stay aware at the time of applying these products because your eye is more valuable than the look of your eyes.

Thanks for reading. Have a wonderful day.