What kinds of black stones are used in pendants?



Jewelry that stands apart from the general ones is the best and unique. Pendants are a very common piece of jewelry, which is possessed by almost every woman. Pendants have various designs and style. Earlier the craze for gold was much more than any other metals. Gold pendant for womens were mostly common than other things like diamond or any such stones.


These days the trend has changed. New stones and gems are coming up in the markets from which the pendants are made. The black stone is one such stone. There are many locket designs for girls; women and even men are available in the markets. There are many black stones can be used in pendants, some of them are mentioned below.


Some famous ways in which black stones can be used in pendants


  • Black stones stand in contrast with other stones because of its colour. They make the pendants look unexceptionally beautiful, also they add charm to them. It is important to select the right kind of stone for making the pendants. Some of the black stones for making pendants are discussed below.


  • Obsidian is one of the traditional gemstones that can be used in pendants. They are not for rough use but they look very precious and rare.


  • Black diamonds are carbon compounds. They are black because of their high content of impurities, mainly graphite. They don’t have shine in them as white diamonds but they have their style and they do reflect the light differently. They are very pricy due to their rareness and are one of the best stones to make pendants.


  • Black garnets are like a ruby. It is very rare and expensive but a good choice for pendants.


  • Black Zircon is used as a substitute for diamonds sometimes. They are black because they are found with the ores of iron and they have a range of shades ranging from browns to dark blacks. Zircon pendants are very pretty and expensive also.


  • Black sapphires are also rare. Sapphire is generally blue in colours but they are available in black version also. They are found in Australia. They do not reflect light like diamonds but they can mirror light. They can be used daily.


  • Black spinel is an uncommon black stone that can be used in pendants. Spinels have various colours but black is the rarest. It is highly reflective and comes under affordable ranges.


  • Black onyx is a traditional gem that you can use for making pendants. Similar to sapphires they also don’t shine, but are durable and not very expensive.


  • Black tourmalines are the most common black stone these days. They are affordable and can be widely available.


  • Black jet is an organic stone that can be used in pendants. They were most common in the Victorian era.


These are the some of the varieties of black stone that can be used in pendants; however, there are many other stones like black scapolite, black jade, black quartz, black opal and many more that can be used in pendants.