10 Trends in Web Development For 2018

We review the main trends of Web Development that we will see throughout 2018, a year that points again to the constant improvement of the user experience through different techniques (notifications, animations, chatbots) And in which, without a doubt, one of the protagonists will be the new version of WordPress, very focused on visual editing and which is being talked about a lot within the WordPress Community.

WordPress Gutenberg

WordPress is the content manager that we find behind almost one-third of the web pages that are in the world, so any update is worth mentioning. And still more the new and awaited version 5.0 of WordPress, known like Gutenberg that will include a new visual editor, will integrate functionalities of Visual Composer and many of the possibilities that offer the Divi template. Its new block structure will be more versatile and flexible in terms of personalization of sites, bringing it closer to other more modern web creation options and easily accessible for all user profiles. Currently, many of the features of this new WordPress are available as a plugin in the beta version, which allows us to approach its possibilities, but it is worth remembering that its use is not recommended in pages in production.

WordPress Gutenberg

Programming Language

Among all web programming languages, JavaScript is the most widespread worldwide … And will continue to be in 2018. JavaScript not only continues to evolve and enjoys excellent health, it will continue to be the programming language preferred by most of the developers and an excellent choice as a first language when we start programming. It will be so much for itself, as for the powerful libraries and frameworks that it has at its disposal, of which we have already spoken on many occasions and among which it is difficult to highlight only one: Angular ,  React ,  Node ….

Programming Language


Animations In 2018, include animations on websites will be a great resource to make them more attractive so we will see pages will be much more dynamic than before, either to get an interface that invites the user to interact, to find some important information or Invite him to take concrete actions. We will see through the use of traditional GIF and CSS3 and JavaScript functionalities (here we recommend the article “CSS3 or JavaScript and jQuery? What I use to animate our website? ) But also through the popularization of libraries as complete as complete as Motion UI


Notifications Following the line of seeking interaction with the user, notifications are a good way to get it. Both in mobile applications with web pages, with prior authorization from the user, we can send you different notifications with information that is attractive, maintaining interest in our site and achieving greater interaction.

Cross-Platform Applications

Cross-platform applications as it has happened throughout 2017, it is increasingly common to find the app that is worth for different platforms without having to perform different developments for each of them (for example, Android and iOS). Currently, we can find Cordova-type technologies, which compile a web in an app through CSS or JS making calls to native code and the React Native type, which use the directives but compile a native app at 100%.

Applications Development

Progressive Web Applications (PWA)

The PWA or Progressive Web Applications are increasingly present since they allow taking advantage of the features offered by web browsers based on the interface of mobile applications. PWAs are designed much faster than conventional mobile applications and tend to be easier to implement and maintain. In addition, they have other advantages over conventional applications, such as the ability to work offline, to receive notifications, their reliability and the reduced loading time. We already talked about this in our article what are Progressive Web Apps and what are their advantages?

SPA or One Page Websites

According to our web development company UAE is very simple and convenient concept: present the website on a single very long page. It is true that navigation becomes simple since you only have to scroll up or down the page, avoiding pages that may bother the user and slow down the load. It is especially attractive for navigation on Smartphone’s and developers guarantees a modern, economic and easy to implement, but we do not forget that it also generates some headaches for SEO positioning, so we will have to use the SPA with watch out. We also talk long and hard about this format in Single-Page Application, a whole website from only one page.

Greater Customization in E-Commerce

The WooComerce WordPress, PrestaShop and Magento combination will continue to be the three major Open Source platforms to sell online and their updates will continue to bring better and new features. From the point of view of usability, everything seems to indicate that the new updates and extensions will strengthen especially the collection of key information in searches, browsing history and personal preferences so that each user is offered the products or services that best fit with your profile.


Nowadays, making a difference in the face of competition is a determining factor when it comes to being successful in a company. A good way to achieve this in the Internet world is to include the chatbots on the website. In this way, our users can maintain continuous contact with our company, getting answers and solutions on the spot, without having to wait for the commercial hours of the Customer Service teams. Chatbots are evolving so much that their artificial intelligence allows them to immediately improve the user experience and are reporting good results to the companies that have implemented them.


It will continue to be one of the main concerns for users, companies, and professionals. SSL digital certificates will become the norm in 2018 for any web project. In addition to having a positive implication for SEO, it is a guarantee for users to know that the page they are accessing is safe. We’ve also talked about this recently in articles like Do not alarm your visitors and avoid security messages on your website!  And in our section of SSL Certificates, there is also information that will be useful to you.