What Is The Best Way To Learn Italian?

What Is The Best Way To Learn Italian?

How To Learn Italian On Your Own?

The world is moving faster than ever and the learning methods are unlimited.

We have access to all kinds of courses, mobile apps, and books to help us learn everything we need.

Mobile Apps

Mobile apps are getting more and more popular, and most of them are promising to interactively teach you how to speak a foreign language. Now, as with anything else in this world, they have some pros and cons.

The ideal app to learn Italian on your own should focus on speaking because usually, that’s the most overlooked skill and also the hardest to practice if you’re alone.

Language Courses

The courses always seem like the best options. You are part of a group, you can ask questions, you will receive feedback, and have someone to talk to.

Of course, courses require a certain level of commitment and resources, and you can’t lose a module or work at your own pace.


For a very long time, television shows were the main way of having access to a second language.

If you are just beginning though, it can be very confusing and you may have a hard time understanding most words. That’s not the best way to learn Italian on your own if you can barely understand a word.

Entertaining short Italian stories, Italian news websites, and news in slow Italian are endless sources of material. If you’re a beginner, start with resources specifically designed for non-native speakers.

Immersive learning

Communication skills in a foreign language are fundamental in the real world. Immersive learning can dramatically boost them.

Immersive learning of Italian would require you to travel to Italy and learn from natives. Without prior knowledge, this can be a very hard task and it can take a lot of time.

Learning By Yourself With A Textbook

Another great option is to buy yourself an Italian textbook.

You can start by learning from it, but it may be hard to achieve your purpose this way.

This is a method that can take a tremendous amount of time and devotion in order to see some results.

Nowadays, textbooks are hardly the best way to learn Italian on your own.

Is there only one best way to learn Italian?

Actually, the best way to learn Italian is to combine all the methods.

You can start attending an Italian course, where you learn the basics and use the application to start mastering the vocabulary. Only these two combined can give you a massive boost into the language.

Here are some tips to boost your progress.

A polyglot’s tips to learn Italian

Immersion works because the fastest way to learn Italian is to hear it and practice speaking it every day in the context of your normal life. When people talk about immersion, what they really mean is learning by doing – to get away from an academic approach.

Here are some recommendations for Italian students at every level:

  1. Be patient: How to learn Italian quickly? Learning any language demands time and exposure. Every student needs to study both grammar and vocabulary, but the longer you stick with it, the more natural and gratifying learning will become.
  2. Don’t stress about grammar: Some people just can’t get the words out because of fear of making mistakes, while others just glide along and in doing so become fluent, improving steadily as they continue practicing, speaking, and enjoying the language.
  3. Write your “to-do” list in Italian: You quickly will memorize many essential, high-frequency expressions, such as going grocery shopping. Use full sentences and include verbs in entries whenever possible.
  4. Surf youtube: Watch the same video or the news in Italian many times, not only one time. Speak along with the audio to get results fast, don’t just listen passively.
  5. Read aloud: Choose a topic you are familiar with in English and then read an article on the same subject in an online Italian newspaper. Idioms, proverbs, and quotes work, too. Read aloud to get the best results.
  6. Build your vocabulary: Collect all the new words you learn in a notebook. Highlight every word you look up in your Italian-English dictionary. As you look up future words, the previously highlighted ones will pop up at you.
  7. Listen and repeat: Fill your ears with Italian audiobooks, Italian music (lyrics often available online), and Italian radio. Learn Italian audio. Initially, comprehension may be a blur, but if you stick with it, you’ll start to isolate words, then phrases, then themes.
  8. Observe and imitate: Whether you see native speakers in person, on videos, or in movies, imitate their accent and gestures. Pronounce vowels the way they do. Mimic their intonation.

You also need a good app to learn Italian. But, how to choose it?

Use the best app to learn Italian

There are many ways to learn Italian with an app, but what’s the best app to learn Italian?

A few decades ago, it was natural to browse textbooks in a bookstore.

Nowadays, there’s plenty of software and language learning apps that claim to be more interactive and effective.

Apps on our smartphones are fantastic for social media, for playing games and even for finding the perfect restaurant. A language app can also be an essential tool for anyone who wants to learn Italian.

If you want to start to learn or to improve your Italian in a fun and easy way, there are a huge number of apps available.

The best way to learn Italian is a combination of these tools:

  • “Ripeti con me!”, absolutely the best app to learn Italian
  • Pimsleur audio lessons, the best app to learn Italian for total beginners
  • Duolingo, the best app to learn Italian for free
  • Skype lessons with a personal tutor on Italki
  • Rocket Italian
  • Glossika
  • Michel Thomas total Italian audio lessons
  • Rosetta Stone
  • Babbel
  • Memrise
  • Mondly
  • Mosalingua
  • FluentU

Study with the right method and tools

Are you ready to take group classes or 1-on-1 Italian lessons? Which learning approach do you prefer? Language immersion? Grammar, anyone? There’s certainly a language app for that!

Be advised that there’s no single language app that can answer all your questions and teach you everything you need to be proficient in Italian.

You’re probably going to end up using a collection of the best apps to learn Italıan to cover all the skills you need for communication in Italian: from learning the grammar, perfecting your pronunciation, to building your vocabulary.

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