Art of Storytelling

The Art of Storytelling: 7 Tips On Writing Compelling Storyline

Are you one of those writers who want a compelling storyline to engage a reader till the end? And you don’t know from where to start and end a dynamic story. Do not worry this article is for you. The storytelling technique uses compelling ways to create a specific story, with an intriguing start and a gripping end. This technique is used by the best dissertation writers UK for writing interesting essays for their clients.

Tips To Write Compelling Storyline

Let’s talk about how to write a story using this technique without getting hung up on a specific format. Below you will see the basic storytelling tricks and techniques.

  1.     Avoid Common Plots

For writing an interesting storyline it is important not to use the popular plots. This will make your writing similar to others. Nobody is interested to read the same type of story again and again. Make it unique, unleash your creativity and think out of the box. The more the plot is different from the rest of the stories, the more attention it will grab.

  1. Generate New Ideas

Most of the writers face this problem of generating new ideas for their new story. You can overcome this problem by asking yourself what-if questions. If you are writing about a character that provides assignment writing service, see yourself in that similar situation. So imagine you have to meet both ends through this service and you don’t have any clients. Ask yourself what will be your reaction and how will you cope with the needs of your family. This will not only generate more ideas but also help you understand the feelings of a character.

  1.     Power Of Facts And Emotions

Facts or emotions alone will not go far. Therefore, you need to use these two in combination. Make an emotional content that is backed by facts. A reader never leaves a story in between that contains these two elements.

Such content can be read by both reasonable and emotional people. They like to invest their time in characters they can relate to. So make it closer to reality that people have a picture of themselves when they read the text.

  1.     Bird’s Tongue

If your story is about a village girl and you use language that is not relevant to the character, your story will not have any impact. To create an impactful story it is very important to speak in the words of those people who are reading it. And use a language that is associated with the characters of your storyline. This will strengthen the overall connection between the reader and the story characters.

  1. Powerful Dialogues

It is important to add powerful dialogues for the strong characters in your plot. Only then a reader can differentiate between a soft character from a strong one. It should be evident from your writing style. For this, you should speak aloud when you write such dialogue on a laptop or on a piece of paper. This will give you a sound of powerful dialogues that can move the readers to tears.

  1.     Plot Twists And Emotional Swing

The writing should not be boring. This style is different from others as it contains a longer and engaging storyline that compels a reader to finish it till the end. So keep adding twists in the plot that excites a reader. Moreover, you can also create an environment of suspense. The reader would only get to know what happens next by going through the whole story. So the stronger the emotional swing, the more a reader will be interested.

  1. Emphasize On Detail

In this technique of writing the more detail, the better it is for the audience to understand. You should write in a way that the reader gets the image of the character as he or she reads the description. The sole purpose of such writing is to take the reader into another world. Therefore, it is necessary for a person to model the entire situation thoroughly and plunge into it as deeply as possible.