Safety Tips to Avoid House Fires

Safety Tips to Avoid House Fires

The Ultimate Guide on Safety Tips to Avoid House Fires

Your home is a special place where you can build your life and make memories. Moreover, it is a place that should make you feel comfortable and safe. That is why it is frightening to imagine your home being destroyed by fire.

With this in mind, you must take extra precautions to reduce the risk of a fire incident in your home. One of the best ways to avoid such a disaster is by installing photoelectric smoke alarms. This way, you can prevent the fire even before it starts.

Below are some of the safety tips to keep your home from catching fire.

Check your heating sources

A broken heating source could start a fire. You need to have it checked regularly by a professional. Moreover, if you use a space heater, make sure that the filters are always clean and keep it away from anything flammable. Dust and debris can start a fire if it is too close to the heat source, so you must clean it regularly.

Clean your stove

While your stove will not randomly combust when you are cooking, the burner may catch food particles after using it. When you turn the furnace again, and the food particles get too hot, it may cause combustion.

Moreover, if your curtains hang too close to the stove, it could catch fire. Furthermore, if you let light materials such as a cookbook or dish towel on a hot burner, they may catch fire, too. So, always clean your stove after using it to ensure no flammable materials near the burner while it is still hot.

Stay in your kitchen while cooking

It only takes a few seconds for a fire to break out. With this in mind, you should never leave the kitchen while the burner is on and cooking. If you need to go for some reason, turn the burner and the gas off. However, if you can’t stop the cooking process and still need to leave, call someone to look after the kitchen while you are away.

Check your dryer

Regardless of the type of your dryer, you have to make sure that it is inspected regularly. Don’t forget to visit the lint traps before using it. Moreover, check the back of your dryer to make sure that there is no lint or small clothing like the handkerchief gets in there.

Maintain all the cords and wirings

Before plugging your appliances, check the cords if it is in good condition. If it is damaged, then replace them at once as it is susceptible to start a fire. Moreover, check the cord placement. If it gets too hot, keep it away from rugs, furniture, and wooden walls.

Always check your smoke alarms

An easy way to avoid house fire is by checking or testing your photoelectric smoke alarms regularly. Smoke alarms have a small button that you can press to test if it is working correctly. If the alarm sounds weak, you need to replace the battery ASAP.

This is an important task. Once the fire breaks and the alarms fail to work, everyone in your home will not be alerted to evacuate, especially if it will happen in the middle of the night. A small fire can wreak havoc and burn your house down. By following these tips and installing smoke alarms strategically around the home to alert you whenever a fire is about to start, you can easily prevent fire breakout.