

For transporting commodities, the two most effective methods are rail and road transports. Sometimes, we need both together to transport cargo from one destination to another. Selecting the means of transportation to ship your cargo is a crucial decision you have to make. As different commodities require different transportation facilities, choosing the best is essential. Rail freight transport and road freight transport come with their advantages and disadvantages.

Rail Freight Transport

In rail freight transport, goods are transported from one place to another through railroads using trains. They use goods wagons to transport cargo from the shipping place to the intended destination or somewhere in between. Rail freight transport is more efficient than other means of transportation when considered in terms of the mass of the goods transported and the distance covered per unit of energy consumed. It is faster than road transportation, and large scale transportation is possible. It is also a cost-effective method as less energy, and human resources are required when compared to other means. But this means of goods transportation is not as flexible as road freight transportation as it may involve transhipment charges, especially when there is no direct rail access for the shipper or the receiver. So, the only solution is to use the highway, even for very long-distance good transit.


There are different types of freight trains for different kinds of goods. Some of them are:

  1. Hopper Car
  2. Gondola
  3. Boxcars

Road Freight Transport

The road is an integral part of the transport system, whether it is passenger transport or freight transport. One can utilise road transport for both big and small shipments over long and short distances. If the shipper or the receiver has no direct rail access, road transport is essential for shipping in between. Choosing the best type of road transport system is the first thing you have to do when shipping your cargo. While selecting the type, consider the factors such as size and weight of the shipment, safety and protection, easy loading and unloading, temperature control, etc.


There are many types of road transportation services with their own merits and demerits. Some of them are:

  1. Box-truck
  2. Car carrying transportation
  3. Curtain sided truck
  4. Flatbed transportation
  5. Tanker truck
  6. Temperature controlled transportation

Road Plus Rail Transportation

Using both rail and road is a cost-effective method of transporting goods from one place to another. This type of transport is necessary when direct shipping by any one of the means is not possible. In road-rail transport, they load the cargo from the shipper onto the truck and carry it to a railway terminal. Freight trains take them to the destination. But if that is not possible as there is no direct rail access to the destination, the road comes to play in between again. This combined task is instrumental in goods transportation.


If you are planning to transport your cargo from destination A to destination B, be wise in choosing the type of transportation. Road and rail freight transportation have their pros and cons. Both of them are instrumental for cargo transportation across the world. Some countries have an affinity towards any one of them. When coupled with each other, they create an incredible result. Road and rail transports are not distinct entities but a coordinating means of transportation.