Erectile dysfunction - when to use potency drugs?

Erectile dysfunction – when to use potency drugs?

Problems with erection concern almost 3.5 million Poles. The fragile nature of this problem implies that only 250,000 men undertake treatment. Meanwhile, impotency translates not only into a scarcity of satisfaction with intimate life but also into low self-esteem of both partners or maybe breakdown of the link. a way to increase potency and luxuriate in intimacy?


Problems with the emergence and maintenance of an erection most frequently affect mature men. Almost half of the men between the ages of 40 and 70 have erection problems. What are its causes?

Hormonal disorders – the body produces deficient testosterone, and excess prolactin reduces the drive.

Clogged blood vessels – if the arteries that offer blood to the Male Main Organ are blocked with, for instance, plaque, an erection isn’t possible.

Unhygienic lifestyle – stress associated with work overload, smoking, substance abuse, or lack of physical activity

Damage to the erectile nerves – most frequently as a result of diseases (including diabetes, multiple sclerosis)

Psychogenic factors ( e.g., reluctance to possess children, relationship problems, unconscious homoIntimacy tendencies)


Erection problems also appear in younger men, but in their case, the foremost common reason is fatigue and stress. But when should we be concerned? Specialists assume that severe ED could be a situation during which 25% of attempts to undertake Intimacy issues fail. However, many men experience discomfort at the thought of visiting the doctor with their problem and like to hunt for an answer on their own. What’s worse, men most frequently underestimate dysfunction, blaming fatigue or age. Meanwhile, looking for verity reason for the shortcoming to attain an erection is possible in consultation with a specialist. This may ensure that the suitable treatment method is chosen, i.e., prescribing pharmacological agents most frequently.


The big selection and simple purchase mean that men, concerned about the primary symptoms, buy potency medications independently. These measures are highly controversial, and opinions about their safety are divided. It seems, however, that there’s nothing to be frightened of. Potency drugs that may hit the shelves in pharmacies are thoroughly tested and don’t cause vascular system problems. On the contrary – they increase blood flow through the vessels and regenerate their epithelium. The sole thing to recollect is that you should only buy dysfunctional drugs in pharmacies and not directly use several measures.


A new drug for potency, Cenforce 100 and Cenforce 200 Active has appeared on the Polish market, which contains the identical active substance because the medicines are available to this point only on prescription. This can be a real breakthrough in the treatment of impotency, given that most men avoid seeing a doctor who can prescribe a drug containing sildenafil. However, Cenforce Active can’t be taken by men tormented by vascular disorders. Therefore, for patient safety, the manufacturer has attached a unique diagnostic tool to every drug package, allowing us to see whether we can use the preparation.

How to cater to excessively high libido?

It should be emphasized that prime Intimacy needs don’t mean disease. The matter arises only if the belief of the drive hinders our everyday functioning.

In a situation where we feel compelled to be Intimacy active if our needs are continually growing, and with them the stimuli we want to feel gratified when physical intercourse becomes more critical than the standard of living, we should always start trying to find help. We are also handling secret addiction.

In case of doubts and concerns, it’s best to travel to a gynecologist who will diagnose any problems and recommend effective therapy. If you want to weaken their needs a touch, there are some simple methods to help you relax and relieve tension. It is often meditation, yoga, physical activity, a diet.

If excessive libido is the result of traumas and psychological disorders, it’s worth using psychotherapy and pharmacological treatment. For this purpose, the assistance of specialists within psychiatry, psychology, and gynecology should be used. Vidalista 20 and Kamagra Oral Jelly are good sources to treat ed.

Potency disorders because of physical and health problems

You have previously learned about the biology of erections. It’s going to have revealed to you that the system’s health condition is critical in establishing and maintaining an erection.

Physically, therefore, these are the key factors that will cause potency disruption:

Vascular disorders: In arterial problems, the arteries don’t carry enough blood to the male main organ, while in the case of venous problems, the veins don’t close properly. Therefore, blood can effuse the penis. The result of both is that an erection cannot persist permanently.

Diabetes: damages both the system and, therefore, the systema nervosum. These can significantly weaken the flexibility to take care of an erection.

Nervous system disorders: during this case, the system cannot effectively transmit the stimulus to the blood vessels within the male main organ. Excessive alcohol consumption also can cause system damage.

Other health problems: Surgeries also cause erectile problems that cause damage to the blood vessels and nerves within the male main organ. Such is the case with prostate surgery.