Answered 5 Commonly Asked Questions about the Appendix

Answered 5 Commonly Asked Questions about the Appendix

The Appendectomy is the most commonly performed surgery in the world. Therefore we have to know what causes this common ailment in the people and why so many of them are affected by it. This issue is causing the people so much stomach pain.

Appendix: what it does to your body?

A small finger-like extension in the large intestine which is located in the abdomen’s right side is called an appendix. It has the similar weight as an earthworm. The former name for the appendix is the vermiform appendix that means worm-like.

Every appendix is different, they are not the same. Some are longer and others are short and thick. But one thing is similar; they are not essential for survival. Nobody can find the importance and the reason for an appendix. It does not serve any purpose. However, there is a general consensus that it helps in the development of the immune system. It is also believed that the appendix plays an important role in holding the ‘good bacteria’ that aids in the promotion of healthy intestines. The major fact is that the appendicitis is well-known and patients are better and can function properly after the removal of the appendix.

Appendicitis: what are the causes?

There are some good and healthy bacteria that live in our large intestine that go in and out of the appendix. At times the opening of the appendix gets blocked. Some of the reasons that lead to this blockage are constipation, a piece of stool that’s hard called as ‘fecalith’. Another problem that causes the block in the passage is the enlargement of the lymph nodes.

This block prevents the bacteria from coming outside, it keeps it inside. This will make it irk and then it will become multiplied. This process will result in the inflammatory problems in the organ. If the right treatment is not provided the appendix will eventually burst which will release the now infectious bacteria in the body.

Symptoms of a problematic appendix

• Pain that can be severe and sudden.

• The pain that will begin in the belly button and down below the lower abdomen located in the right side.

• Nausea, vomiting and fever.

The surgery required to remove the appendix

The appendix removal operation process is called laparoscopic appendectomy. The patient is put under sleep using the general anaesthesia. The procedure can take up to thirty minutes. Three-Minute incisions are done at the part of the abdomen. The carbon dioxide is gusted into the belly creating a dome that will give the surgeon a place to work. A laparoscopic camera is implanted in one of the incision while the other two are placed with surgical tools. The appendix is found, tied off and taken out through this surgery.

This is a brief record of the appendix surgery. If you are suffering from the appendix issues get treatment from a well-known hospital. They will guide you regarding the appropriate appendix treatment and will conduct the appendix surgery.