Cancer Treatments

Cancer Treatments

Can Cancer Treatments Offered in Australia Lead to Erectile Dysfunction?

Fighting cancer is not easy and requires some serious treatment to get rid of it. Where science and medicine have developed a lot of medical procedures to help patients suffering from cancer at the same time these treatments have some side effects. These side effects of cancer treatment might lead to erectile dysfunction in a male. Surgery and radiation therapy to the pelvic region might be the root cause of the problem. However, chemotherapy, radiology, and various medication are given to a cancer patient in Australia effects its ability to maintain an erection. This inability would lead to anxiety and relationship problems between a person and its partner.

Cancer Surgeries:

Most of the cancer patients go through surgery for the removal of the tumor. But these surgeries can be a reason for the change in nerves and blood vessels. If the surgery was done on your pelvic region which is very common in people who suffer from testicular, prostate and anal cancer then getting an erection is very difficult for them. This area contains the most sensitive nerves and blood vessels that are responsible for attaining a good erection. Therefore, people who go under the surgery of this area might feel difficulties in getting an erection even after two years of the surgery. However, many pharmaceutical companies such as OZ Meds Online have introduced certain medications for ED treatment in the cancer patient. Many men when undergoing surgery of the pelvic region experience dry ejaculation this is not harmful but it does cause infertility to a certain extent.

Radiation Treatment:

Radiation therapy is one of the most common treatments available for cancer patients in Australia. But radiation therapy for prostate cancer increases the risk of erectile dysfunction in many men. You might not develop it instantly after the treatment but the effect of the therapy would be visible to you after a year or more. Radiations can cause some damage to the body and if you are in your older age then you are at high risk of suffering from ed after the radiation treatment. Moreover, people, who experience such erection problems before the treatment are most likely to develop erectile dysfunction after it. Radiation therapy affects your prostate gland and seminal vesicles which is responsible for creating fluids in your body that help you to ejaculate. Therefore, radiation therapy might get rid of cancer but has a high chance to leave you with dry ejaculation.


Chemotherapy would not result in erectile dysfunction but it may affect your desire to have intercourse with your partner. It creates a hormonal imbalance in your body which leads to a loss of desire for sex and having difficulty to achieve an orgasm.

Treatment Of ED:

There are a lot of treatments available for ED. Most of the men BuyCenforce D 160mg Australia as a cure for the problem. But there are a lot of other things from injection to pills medical science has introduced many solutions to the problem. But before you finalize a treatment for yourself always consult your doctor. This would ensure the treatment you are considering doesn’t harm your cancer treatment and recovery.

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