
Choosing a Sieve Shaker for Various Applications

Food, beverage, and pharmaceutical are among the industries that use sieves as part of their daily operations. Civil engineers, scientists, and many other professionals practice sieve analysis so that the sizes of specific materials meet the requirements for quality control and quality assurance (QC/QA). For this, a sieve shaker is used to perform the job, helping you determine essential factors such as static electric, resistance to agglomeration, the minimum size for separation, particle size, dry or wet sieving, and other characteristics of a material.

Begin by identifying the popular sieve products available:

Mechanical Sieve Shakers

These mechanisms work through the use of a motor. Sometimes, it is run manually to reorient or agitate particles through rotational, circular, or orbital motions. You may use the process of repetitive tapping with a mechanical shaker to reorient the particles on the sieve stack much further. The tapping motion also prevents dead spots and blinding on the surface of the mesh. It also allows for easy passage of extremely small particles.

When you are working on achieving the finest separation of particles, use the mechanical tapping shaker. These sieve mechanisms are suitable for a variety of materials, particularly for those fines with a higher percentage.

Keep in mind that the combination of agitation of particles and the tapping action generate noise. But you can find enclosed models and those that feature noise reduction technology; thus, lessening the noise as well as protecting the user.

Air Jet Sieve Machine

This sieve machine is ideal for sieve cuts of materials in powder form that require accurate deagglomeration and dispersion. This sieving product can work well with low density and extremely fine particles like powders. Common applications for particle size determination, fractioning, and separation include food, pharmaceutical materials, chemical products, minerals, cosmetics, ceramics, plastics, pigments, washing powder, toner, rubber, and powder coating.

The air jet sieve machine comes with an automatic vacuum regulator, open mesh function, high test sieves option, and nozzle speed that all contribute to accurate and effective results.

Vibratory Sieve Shakers

A vibratory shaker is a right fit for various materials. The frequency and amplitude of vibration are adjustable, giving you complete control of the vibration level according to the type of material. It is suitable for fine and granular materials, including food, cosmetic, dry powder, and pharmaceutical.

It comes with a pause feature that also has a similar function to the tapping motion, which prevents blinding and aids the passage of fines. The vibratory sieve shaker also utilises the quiet electromagnetic energy, which means there is less noise when agitating particles.

Sonic Sieve Shakers

By using an audio generator, the sonic shaker can consume about 3,600 pulses of sonic energy per minute. The sieve stack encloses it and produces an air column that oscillates. The agitation process causes the particles to reorient on the mesh surface.

You can find many sonic sieve shakers with programmable power input, efficient features, as well as vertical and horizontal tapping. These shakers are typically used for accurate separations of particles as small as 3 µm. they are perfect for fine granular materials, powders, etc.

The sieve shaker you use has an impact on the test times and results of your sieving. This is because different materials react differently, depending on the mechanical action that is used. Essential factors to consider when choosing your sieve shaker are the static attraction, noise level, desired sample volume, degradation, and agglomeration.