Dental Care

Dental Care: The need of any hour


The mouth is the gateway to one’s body. Anything that one eats, drinks, injects, or even inhales passes through the mouth first before reaching any other internal part of the body. It could explain why dental health is crucial to one’s overall healthy existence and well-being. Dental care is a much-neglected area in many people’s lives. While looking for an expert dental care center in Redlands, a Redlands dental dentist in Victoria point can be a wise choice. Dental doctors and professionals are the only people who can provide specialized dental care. But some pointers will help in improving one’s dental health.

Brushing twice a day

While brushing in the morning is a sure habit almost in all cultures, brushing twice a day is absent in many people’s daily routine. Doctors advise that brushing once in the morning after waking up and once in the night before going to bed will be beneficial in the long run. Apart from cleaning the mouth and eliminating harmful germs, gentle brushing massages the gums. It strengthens the enamel of one’s teeth. It is advisable to brush the teeth in a circular motion rather than a back and forth motion. It prevents the teeth from wearing down due to the motion’s pressure.


Flossing is another primary dental care ritual that people ignore. It refers to the act of cleaning one’s teeth by gently dragging a piece of dental thread along the sides of the teeth. Typically, one runs a floss thread between two teeth to clean the gaps. Flossing helps with intensive mouth cleaning and eliminates any bits of food stuck between teeth. As a result, this practice keeps out harmful germs that could settle in the mouth’s nooks. The Australian Dental Association (ADA) recommends that parents should encourage children to floss once they have two teeth coming into contact with each other.

Choice of brush

The brush one uses to clean one’s teeth speaks volumes about a person’s dental health condition. Many people tend to use harsh brushes, believing that it strengthens the teeth. But it is always wise to use soft brushes even if one’s teeth are strong. It is a harmful practice. A harsh toothbrush leads to aggressive brushing, which weakens the enamel. Therefore, it is better to choose a soft toothbrush that reaches the mouth’s deep corners. A harsh toothbrush could make the gums of one’s teeth bleed. A soft toothbrush prevents that.

Impact of sugary substances

Soft drinks and foods with high amounts of sugar are enemies to the teeth. Sugar settles on the top of teeth, inviting acid-producing bacteria to feed on them. These bacteria erode the outer layer of the teeth, leading to cavities. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that sugar does not layer upon the teeth. One can do this by brushing mildly after eating any sugary foods. Apart from sugar, starch also breaks down into sugar. Therefore, it is essential to brush after eating foods such as cereals, bread, pasta, potatoes, and oats.


Mouthwash is an underrated dental hygiene product that many overlook while considering dental cleaning routines. A good mouthwash can effectively kill up to 99.9% of germ accumulation in a person’s mouth. It can ensure better mouth hygiene reduces bad breath. It can also prevent gum diseases like gingivitis.


One cannot substitute a visit to the dentist with home dental care. It is indispensable to schedule regular checkups with a dental care provider such as Redlands dental dentist in victoria point. This way, one can make sure that one’s dental health is never compromised. Proper dental care leads to a better quality of living.

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