matcha green tea

Difference Between Matcha and Green Tea


Tea and coffee are easily two of the most popular psychoactive substances in the world. 83-90% of adults in the United States consume caffeine regularly. As a result, the United States has the highest caffeine consumption in the world, followed by Brazil. Worldwide, that leads to consumption of around 10 million tons of coffee consumed per year. Meanwhile, people consume only around 600,000 pounds of green tea per year. Green tea makes up 20% of all tea consumed.

Difference Between Green Tea and Matcha

But what is the difference between green tea and Matcha? Whether you’re brewing black tea, green tea or ceremonial grade Matcha it all begins as leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, also known as Chinese tea leaves.

Green tea has always been one of the most popular tea varieties. Tea as medicine predates tea as a simple beverage. Green tea is still prized for its many nutritional and other benefits. Dried tea leaves in a tea bag are how you’ll find most green tea. Matcha, however, is ground to a very fine powder. As a result, matcha is more concentrated than regular green tea so you may need less to get the same results.

Oxidation and fermentation of black tea leaves result in higher caffeine content. Green tea leaves are generally also processed somewhat. Regular green tea leaves are left to dry in the sun, but matcha is kept from sunlight.

Keeping the Matcha out of the sun results in higher levels of chlorophyll and amino acids like l-theanine. Both have a very “green” taste owing to the high chlorophyll content. Green tea tastes more bitter generally as well. Many people find good matcha doesn’t require any sweeteners or dairy products to make it palatable as in the case of regular green tea.

drink matcha green tea

Black tea has been allowed to oxidize resulting in a negligible l-theanine content. Meanwhile, Matcha and green tea share the same benefits but good Matcha will contain about 10 times the nutritional value of regular green tea and a hundred times or more the antioxidant value. Matcha even has more calcium and even protein than regular green tea.

Matcha contains only the highest quality green tea leaves. For the most part, Matcha is hand harvested. Matcha is stone ground by hand. Removal of stem and veins also improves the quality of the product. You can brew Matcha below boiling temperature. This results in greater nutritional value as well. Boiling destroys many of the nutritional compounds that provide benefits in green tea. All in all, you would have to take 10 to 15 cups of standard green tea to get the same quantity of l-theanine, EGCG and other amino acids and antioxidants.

Matcha is a lot stronger in antioxidants, and single cup of matcha is comparable to three cups of green tea. Matcha can also improve your healing after exercise, may minimize damage caused by UVB emission, and supercharge your energy levels. If you’re on a healthy food, adding matcha to the checklist may not be a bad idea.

For many university students, getting to classroom without experiencing like a zombie is a primary worry. Since matcha is made from entire tea leaves, its caffeinated drinks are a lot more than double the volume of typical green tea. Matcha typically has 68 mg of caffeine per cup, whereas green tea has about 32 mg. When picking out between matcha vs green tea, matcha will best ensure you don’t fall in bed mid-lecture.

Green Tea Taste vs Matcha Taste

In my opinion, the only green tea I can take in without having struggling is matcha. It’s usually tastier simply because of extra glucose in lattes, has a soft formation, and the extra bang of pure caffeine is what helps me going throughout the day. Green tea is a lot more intolerable by itself. It’s a go-to relaxation drink, but in truth, matcha is what I catch on my way to class.

The differences anywhere between matcha vs green tea are significant. Whether it be a quick pick-me-up before class or a spa with your friends, both teas have very different advantages. If you ever need a choose snack late into the evening but don’t think like achieving such a thing, try one of these teas to see which one is best for you.

To Try Something New – Kratom & Matcha

There’s much to discover about matcha tea, but fundamentally its exclusively green tea ground up, whereas kratom having said that is option unique. They’re both fine-grained green plants, and both extracted from powdering the dried leaves of individual plants, but they are entirely distinct plants.

There’s supposition to whether matcha tea gets mixed into kratom and I believe to some extent it might, but it will only be the most affordable of matcha tea, as tea leaves are much more expensive than kratom.

Some providers market kratom as matcha because offering kratom using a typical payment processor (visa, master) service would be against their terms and conditions.

Suppliers use matcha as a way to prevent this rule by the handling organizations.

You need to know that kratom and Matcha are very different. Matcha is green tea, kratom can be created into a tisane, but it doesn’t contain the level of caffeine, and green tea doesn’t include mitragynine.