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digital marketing

Do’s and Don’ts on Social Media to Promote Your Business Online


Social media is everywhere. Businesses, individuals, artists, celebrities, all are stuck in this never-ending loop of social media. Sharing plans, ideas, content, news and more such stuff has become an infinite cycle. Basically, a huge chunk of information that a user gets from online portals is nothing but business companies popularizing their brand through content marketing. Social media marketing, undoubtedly, is one of the most trending landscapes in the digital marketing arena; and yet, no matter how popular it is, there are companies that fail miserably at it.

At times, it gets difficult to know how well social media tips and tricks work to promote your business online. For extensive research work on this, you will require the services of a good Digital Marketing Agency. But to summarize it a bit, we have enlisted below an extensive piece of what to do and what not to do while promoting your business on social media.

What to do

Understanding your audience

There’s one very popular rule doing rounds when it comes to planning a social media strategy. There’s a well-known 80/20 rule, which states that a total 80 percent of your marketing focus should be on your audience, and only 20 percent of your strategy should revolve around your branding company. It is of umpteen importance to understand the likes and dislikes of your audience to successfully brand your company. Here’s how you can choose to tailor your social media feed:

  1.     Target your audience as per their age range
  2.     Keep their gender in mind
  3.     Don’t forget to consider their regional areas or country
  4.     Most importantly, have a record of the peak time of the day when your audience’s activities are at the highest

Providing customer service

If any company wants to survive in this highly competitive market, it is essential to make the customer the king. With time, social media, too, has become a huge customer care center where unsatisfied clients often post their grievances about their experience with a brand. And companies, in turn, have to address their queries in the comment section of the portal or even via tweets. It can be said that having a prompt and apt customer care team for social media is as important as having a dedicated back office team to address distressed calls. So for this, have a customer service manager handy at all times, who can quickly reply to the clients with free advice and solutions. Just do this much and see how it streams your sales!

What not to do

Do not spam

One thing that’s really off-putting for any customer is being spammed by the advertising company non-stop, again and again. If you bombard your audience with the same piece of information several times in a day, then they are bound to simply unfollow or worse, even block your page on the concerned social media handle. Also make sure that your posts don’t repeatedly revolve around a topic that’s repetitive, nonsensical or irrelevant. Post something new, refreshing and exciting and formulate a full-fledged social media plan regularizing the number of times you post in a day or a week.

Do not settle

Let’s say your social media strategy did wonder for one quarter… This success should not tempt you to follow the exact same strategy for the following quarter too. In short, if you get comfortable with a single social media tactic, chances are your audience will eventually lose interest in your posts and won’t remain as involved as you want. They will shift their focus to something else that’s way more engaging and interesting. For this, make sure to often tweak your products and your strategies. Introduce something offbeat, like puzzles, campaigns and more. And if you feel you are falling short on ideas, you can employ a good digital marketing agency, which will aptly take care of all your social media marketing requirements.

Don’t just advertise

As mentioned earlier, your strategy should focus more on the customer than advertising about your brand. Latest trends show that audiences often engage in brand pages that have informative and diverse social media feed. So if you wish to bring in a loyal customer base, then don’t just advertise, keep an ear out for your clients’ concerns too. Using this knowledge and input (such as customer feedback), you can work to improve quite a few things: your brand service, organic likes, as well as boosting your sales!

Social media is vast, and so are its dos and don’ts, so if you ever feel it is too much, or you are lagging behind, then look for SEO Services in Canada. The company will efficiently take over all your social media strategies and make sure that you make the most out of these powerful online portals for your best interests.