10 foods that could prevent cancer

10 foods that could prevent cancer

The food that we eat has a great impact on our health—including our ability to dodge diseases. Healthy and nutritious food can fortify our immune system and decrease our ability to fall prey to nasty bugs and diseases. Even chronic diseases like cancer can be prevented if the right food is incorporated into the diet. Before diving into the list of cancer preventing foods, it should be kept in mind that these foods cannot cure cancer. You should thus book an appointment for an online doctor video consultation given the circumstances if you have any initial symptoms of cancer.

Read on to know what foods are beneficial for prevention of cancer:

1. Broccoli

Broccoli is a powerhouse of sulforaphane, a plant compound with potential anticancer properties. According to research, sulforaphane helps to reduce breast cancer cells and abrogates tumor growths. Other types of tumors, such as prostatic cancer, colon cancer, and colorectal cancers also show reduced growth with the intake of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli.

According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, broccoli is equipped with folates, carotenoids, and glucosinolates, all of which could work together to thwart the progression of several cancerous growths.

2. Tomatoes

Another powerhouse against prostatic cancer is: tomatoes. The red pigment in tomatoes is called lycopene and this phytochemical is a powerful antioxidant—fighting cancer-producing radicals. One way that lycopene is thought to fight cancer is by strengthening the immune system of the body so that the body itself fights off the cancer-producing cells. Moreover, it’s thought that tomatoes and lycopene interfere with abnormal cell growths.

The best way to incorporate tomatoes in the diet is to eat cooked tomatoes. This is because the heat breaks down the cell walls, and makes more lycopene available for the body to absorb. Furthermore, cooking in healthy oils, such as olive oil can further boost the advantages of tomatoes.

3. Carrots

 Another red food that boosts immunity and fights off cancer is—carrot. Carrots reduce the risk of many cancers, including stomach cancer, by almost 26 percent. It also lowers the odds of prostatic cancer, a common cancer in men.

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant, protecting the cells from oxidative stress, and toxin damage. Not only do carrots fight pre-existing cancer, but they also slow the growth of many cancer cells. Furthermore, it delivers other nutrients that protect from numerous diseases—including those caused by microorganisms. Carrots contain falcarinol, a natural anti-inflammatory agent, as well as a pesticide.

Carrots also supply more antioxidants when they are cooked, according to the Journal of Agriculture and Food chemistry. It is better to cook or steam whole carrots, and cut them once they are done. This preserves their taste and nutrients.

4. Spinach 

Spinach is a rich source of carotenoids, particularly lutein and zeaxanthin. Studies show that these carotenoids can protect against numerous cancers, including those of the mouth, stomach and esophagus.

For women of child-bearing age, spinach can be particularly good, because it is a rich source of folate, which repairs DNA, and helps to prevent neural tube defects in babies. The best way to incorporate spinach in the diet is to eat is raw or lightly cooked. Spinach is the star of all the green leafy vegetables and must be added in the diet for good health.

5. Strawberries

 Berries have long since been known to reduce the risk of cancer, because of the anthocyanins or pigments they contain. In lab studies, strawberries have been known to reduce the risk of many types of cancers. This is likely attributed to the high amounts of antioxidants contained in strawberries that fight the DNA damaging radicals.

The nutritive values of flavonols and anthycyanins remain high in berries even after freezing. Therefore, they can be frozen in season, to be used throughout the year.

6. Garlic

The smell associated with garlic is because of the sulfur compounds it contains. These same sulfur compounds help fight cancer causing cells, speed DNA repair, and kill bacteria, like H.pylori.  

The risk of cancers, such as esophageal, colon, stomach, breast and pancreatic can be reduced with the intake of garlic. According to Colleen Doyle, RD, MS, at the American Cancer Society, garlic activates the enzymes that have protective effects in the body.

The best way to consume garlic is to eat at least one clove daily.

7. Beans

Due to the high fiber content in beans, they help protect against colorectal cancer. Not only do they help to prevent cancer, they are even beneficial for people who are in remission. Studies show that beans help to decrease tumor recurrence, and block the development of cancer cells by almost 75 percent.

It is therefore beneficial to eat a few servings of beans every week.

8. Green tea

An important part of the anti-cancer diet is: green tea. This beverage is helpful in preventing: skin, lung, breast, liver, esophageal and pancreatic cancer. A non-toxic chemical found in green tea, epigallocatechin-3 gallate, fights the enzyme responsible for cancerous growths.

For best benefits, consume a cup of green tea every day.

9. Nuts 

Research shows that the risk of dying from cancer reduces greatly, if one consumes nuts daily; the greater the amount consumed, the lower the risk. In particular, nuts are beneficial for endometrial, colorectal and pancreatic cancers.

Adding a serving of nuts to your daily menu can prove beneficial in reducing the overall risk of most cancers.

10. Olive oil

Olive oil is used extensively in Mediterranean diet, and with good reason too. This oil has massive antioxidant properties that can help protect against many types of cancers. In fact, the Mediterranean region has 50 percent lower breast cancer rates than the United States.

Incorporating olive oil in the daily diet is not only good for fighting cancer, but also other disorders, including cardiovascular ones.

As mentioned earlier, the foods listed in this article can only prevent cancer and are not a replacement of chemotherapy. If you are a cancer patient, medical aid is necessary even during the corona enforced lockdown. You should keep visiting a competent medical facility such as Ali Medical center Islamabad for your treatment.