How Businessmen Benefit from WordPress and Instagram Plugins

How Businessmen Benefit from WordPress and Instagram Plugins

Most of the businesses are aware that Instagram can bring a huge source of great content for their websites. The content includes photos from their personal accounts or from the different profiles of the Instagram users. It is only because of the various WordPress Instagram plugins that getting all these content has become so easy. Both the premium and the free WordPress plugins make it extremely easy to display photographs from a particular Instagram account. Instagram has a social hold on numerous industries because of a single reason that it has more than 700 million users. Whether it is the music industry or the fashion industry, the fitness industry or the cooking industry, all of them have turned to Instagram for showing off their photographs. You should place the Instagram photos on the WordPress website because they are not only vibrant but also intriguing. Furthermore, the Instagram photos help in increasing engagement on your website.

Combining Instagram and WordPress

Combining Instagram and WordPress is similar to making use of two unique ingredients that are completely different from each other in order to make a tasty dish. Similarly, Instagram and WordPress are not only unique but they have certain special features. This is why when you combine them; you are actually creating wonders for your business. WordPress is the place where you can simplify your blogging experience or post different messages and articles.

Instagram is completely different in the manner that it provides the facility of sharing videos and photos. The blogs can be improved by adding related photos or even videos. This is why most of the businesses have considered combining their Instagram accounts with WordPress with the help of various plugins. This helps in increasing the engagement on your website as many people stick around only for looking at the photographs that have been uploaded. Many businessmen also believe that the photos that are uploaded on Instagram are much more colorful in comparison to all the regular photos that are uploaded on a website. Moreover, these photographs help in adding an excitement to your brand. You can also increase the number of followers on your Instagram as there will be people visiting your website, who are interested in following you on Instagram as well.

An important advantage

A significant advantage of making use of the photos on Instagram is that your blog posts will become colorful and attractive. If you are wondering about how you can club your Instagram account with your WordPress website, there is nothing to worry. A number of WordPress Instagram plugins are available, which can be used for clubbing both of them together. The plugins are basically applications, which allow you to perform a few functions.

When you are unable to add an entire software package that is related to a particular process, adding the plugins will solve your problem. However, you should keep in mind that just because someone you know is downloading plugins, it is not wise to do the same. Unnecessary plugins can consume a lot of space on your system and make it slow. Having too many plugins can confuse your system and have a significant impact on the performance. Therefore, the wise thing to do is add plugins, which will solve the problems instead of increasing them.

How do the WordPress plugins function?

The WordPress Instagram plugins make use of the collection of photos of an Instagrammer and display them. Therefore, whenever you are deciding to use a particular plug-in, ensure that you are setting it up in a proper manner. The first thing that you have to do is select the account of an Instagrammer from which you can import the photos. You will also be providing details regarding the number of times that you want to import the photos and the time when you want to do it. The Instagram photo feed has to be inserted on the web pages and your posts. It can also be displayed on your website’s sidebar. You can visit https://gramblast.comfor assistance and guidance on getting the best possible returns from your business.

Normally, the plugins range from free to premium. You have to understand that the plugins that are available for free may not support completely. Only a part of the application that will be required will be provided with the free plug-in. When you are choosing a premium WordPress plug-in, you have to pay a certain amount of money. Moreover, you will also get a complete application. A person who is using the WordPress Instagram plugins will get benefits that cannot really be calculated. A business can use the plugins in order to improve the level of revenue as attractive images and photos are responsible for bringing in more users.

WordPress Instagram plugins that businesses prefer

Given below are few of the WordPress Instagram plugins that businesses all over the world are using for attracting more users on their website.

Instagram Feed:This plug-in is extremely familiar in the circle of businesses. It provides the opportunity to create multiple feeds that can be utilized on the website. You can display various photos from more than one account. In this manner, you have the opportunity of displaying different photos and attracting the website users. This plug-in also permits you to edit the photos like the width, height, or brightness. The best part is that the plug-in is updated regularly so that it can meet the demands of the public.

Grace:This Instagram WordPress plug-in is preferred by a huge section of businessmen. It can be activated in a simple and easy manner and you can choose the user account for importing the photos. An important feature of this plug-in is that the photos or videos that are liked by a particular user can also be displayed.

Flexi Instagram Feed:The Polaroid layout that this plug-in has can be used for displaying the images. There are many gallery formats and grid formats that are available with this plug-in. If you are looking for something that is more than just a normal plug-in, you should definitely go for this one.


Many businesses from every nook and corner of the world have profited by clubbing the WordPress and Instagram account. You can also do it if you are looking forward to attracting more users, or make your blog posts attractive and colorful.

Author bio –

Kristen Smith is a Professional writer. She has written many articles on Social Media. She is quite experienced in the field of web marketing as well as website designing.