diamond testers

How do Diamond Testers Work?

Learn the basics of how Diamond Testers Work

The diamond tester measures the conductivity of heat to separate the simulants from the diamond. Turn on the device and wait at least 30 seconds before measuring your stone. This to exclude any error. Always wait 10 seconds between each test for the tip to be hot enough. Check that the stones to be analyzed are clean. Remove Fingerprints Grease is an insulator and falsifies the result. Attention, this type of device does not distinguish between moissanite and diamond!

In many cases, antique dealers and collectors find themselves in a difficult situation when it comes time to shop at gemstone exhibitions and collectors’ showroom. The main reason for their inability to make the desired purchase is due to the fact that they are not able to prove the authenticity of the diamond at this time. Although there may be a large collection, diamond lovers are aggrieved by the fact that they can not invest because they have no way of proving their authenticity.

Gemlogis diamond tester

To clarify this, technical developers and like-minded enthusiasts have created a range of diamond testing equipment designed to help buyers understand the value of a diamond by providing instant results. Diamond testers are available on the market with a wide range of features, namely digital readers or manual testers. These diamond testers provide the user with efficient and error-free results when performing gemstone testing. Digital testers are the best option for merchants and collectors because they deliver results instantly. Amateur and others who start their career in the diamond business opt for semi-digital readers because they are more affordable.

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With the high level of competition in the current gemstone market, it has become imperative for all proficient jewelers to own a number of diamond testers. Whether digital or semi-digital, they are a must buy to deal with the growing problem of the current market of gems and unstoppable replicas.

Traditional testing methods can not appeal to the need to distinguish these diamonds because they are not able to control the latest advances in counterfeit jewelry. Most cultivated stimulants or fake diamonds are artificial representations developed in the laboratory and can be deformed to obtain real diamonds. In general, they are designed to offer cheaper alternatives to other industries, but they are also used to defraud customers of their hard-earned money. Since they look like an ideal diamond in more ways than one, it can be difficult for a traditional diamond tester to distinguish the real ones from the fake ones


  • Presentation of the device to test the diamond


Faced with recurrent imitations of the diamond, a special device has been developed to avoid confusion between the gemstone and those that are synthetic or imitation. The diamond tester is proving to be a very practical instrument, used especially by professionals like the gemologist. This device is based on the measurement of conductivity of heat in stone. By separating the simulans from the stone to be tested, the diamond tester is able to identify its nature. Indication of the price of the device to test the diamond: between 110 euros and 340 euros.


  • How to use the diamond tester?


Before any use, make sure you have a clean stone (no dust, no fat or other dirt on the surface). This measure does not interfere with reading. For its part, the diamond tester must be warm enough.

Then, just touch the surface of the test stone with the probe of the device to test the diamond. Make sure you have a 90-degree angle. The final result is displayed either by diodes or with a beep. It all depends on programming the device to test the gemstone.

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  • The limits of the device to test the diamond


There are artificially manufactured diamonds such as moissanite. The latter is part of imitations of diamond with zirconium oxide, lead-doped glass or rhinestones, etc. Also known as silicon carbide, moissanite is a mineral discovered in 1824 by the Swedish scientist Jöns Jacob Berzelius. It has a strong resemblance to diamond and the only diamond tester does not distinguish them.

We have sourced many companies and here is where you can buy your Diamond testers.