TheOneSpy android spy app

How to Track a Cell Phone with TheOneSpy Android Spy App?


Do you want to know what your kids and teens are doing on their cell phone devices all day long having internet access? You may be running a business organization and you have plenty of employees out there to whom you have provided digital cell phones to deal with the customers complain and you can to listen how they are treating clients on company’s owned devices.

In addition, people in a relationship have become so much possessive because of cyber infidelity has been increased over the years. People are getting involved in extramarital affairs. Therefore, people want to know what spouses are doing on their cell phones in terms of text messages, social media apps, and what they are sharing online and to whom they are having a conversation in their absence.

So, all these issues gather parents, employees and loved ones at a single point and that is tracking cell phone activities whatsoever. Therefore, these days they are looking forward to using high –tech cell phone tracking tools to get access into their targeted devices to get to know hidden realities.

Parents want to monitor cell phone of children to make sure their online safety by protecting them from online predators. Employees Company’s owned devices to make a check on them and loved to want to prevent cheating from the partners.

So, having all of your concerns in mind, I am going to tell you about TheOneSpy android spy app that provides best solutions all of your problems. Let’s get to know how you can get it.

Install TheOneSpy phone tracking app on target device

If you want to get a phone monitoring app in order to track a cell phone due to some odd reasons, then you need to use your personal digital device first connected to the internet. Furthermore, make a search for the TheOneSpy cell phone surveillance software and when you have found out the web page then very next moment you need to perform the following steps.

Step1: Subscribe for TheOneSpy mobile spy app

Simply you need to subscribe phone spy software once you are on the web page and further you will get credentials through an email at your given email address. So, when you have got the passcode and ID then you should take a further step ahead.

Step2: Get physical access on target cell phone

Now you need to have target cellphone device into your hands and once you have it then get started with the installation process having physical access and activate it on the target device when you have done installation successfully.

Step3: Use Credentials & get access to the web portal

Take a step ahead once more and use the passcode and ID in order to get access to the online control panel. It certainly provides you access to the plenty of powerful tools that make enable to track your target smartphone or gadget within no time. Let use the tools to get the job done.

Step4: Use TheOneSpy phone tracking tools

Live Screen recording

You can remotely get access ingress to the target phone and further you can perform real-time screen recording on target device using screen recorder for mobile phone. It enables you to record short videos back and forth and send to the dashboard where you can get access to have viewed. You can perform screen recording on a cell phone in terms of live Chrome screen recording and Vice Versa on YouTube, Email, social media apps, SMS and last but not the least Voice messages.

IM’s Social Media

User can remotely monitor the social media apps logs activated on the mobile phone without rooting or jailbreak. You can track social messaging apps such as messages, chats conversations, shared multimedia, audio video calls and Voice calls of the major instant messaging apps.

Browsing activities

You can get to know about the visited apps, websites and bookmarks on the target cell phone browser.

Text messages spy

You can monitor sent received messages on the target cell phone devices in terms of SMS, MMS and heads up notifications.


TheOneSpy mobile spy app is the best tool that is packed with hundreds of phone tracking software that lets you spy on mobile phone device also you can check theonespy review for more details.