Naturally, Increase Your Sperm Count & Fertility

Naturally, Increase Your Sperm Count & Fertility

Naturally, Increase Your Sperm Count & Fertility

The question is delicate and cannot be overcome only to the choices a man makes at the table. But, it can say that a healthy lifestyle and healthy diet combinations also help future parents and increase your Fertility.

As we grow up and age, everything changes. As the first wrinkles look, the genital system also changes for both ladies and men. For the latter, particularly: the rise of the testicles becomes less, testosterone decreases, erection can delay. The same is correct for ejaculation: its potency, after the young climax, gradually decreases, as well as the quantity of seminal fluid. But it’s all-natural.

Let’s begin with fertility

Once every kind of pathology is eliminated, there are healthy habits of life, starting with what you eat, which are supposed to help strengthen and increase its power. This is a delicate subject that cannot overcome only to the choices a man makes at the table. However, it can state that just as what a mother eats during pregnancy can affect the baby’s development and health, a healthy lifestyle and great dietary choices for the father are equally valid.

Why is the sperm count dropping?

Research into precisely what’s causing the decline is still ongoing.2 But it’s perceived that sperm count is affected by a range of triggers3,4 including:

  • infections
  • hormonal irregularity
  • vulnerability to radiation or industrial chemicals like pesticides
  • recreational medications
  • too much alcohol
  • smoking
  • staying overweight
  • stress

Mediterranean diet, the most suggested

The experts’ opinion admits that the best diet for future fathers is the Mediterranean one, regarding foods allies of spermatozoa, particularly foods abundant in antioxidants, capable of fighting free radicals. So a diet that combines citrus fruits, tomatoes, carrots, and green leafy vegetables. Without dropping eggs, beans, skimmed dairy products, and dried fruit, including an essential element such as zinc. There seems to be no problem even with fats, as long as they are omega-3s that can sometimes improve the quality of the seed.

It is also suggested to include in the diet: asparagus, chili, a potent vasodilator but without expanding to avoid inflaming the prostate, garlic to increase blood circulation, ginger, avocado, almonds, and oysters. Men are also using Fildena and vidalista 60 to get rid of impotence problems.

As for drinks, coffee is accepted: three a day, still, is enough.

However, the foods to be defined as much as possible are pepper, alcohol, sausages, fried foods, too many dairy products, and chocolate in extreme quantities always for the prostate. A healthy and well-balanced diet, yes, then, but without neglecting the role of physical activity, which has great potential on intimate male well-being. And finally, if we want to do it well, we should also say goodbye to smoking.

How to change the quantity, density, and smell?

For those involved, however, in the quality of their seminal fluid, it could be necessary to introduce in the diet: foods abundant in zinc, the classic vitamins, and mineral salts, maybe thinking of a single solution that includes them all, the acid folio ( o Vitamin B9) which can contribute to the rise in seed volume, as well as allicin, an active ingredient included in garlic. Do not forget the Vitamin D in the liver, egg yolk, fish oils, and Calcium.

A separate talk about treating the Catuaba, a plant that develops in northern Brazil, has extensive use as an aphrodisiac in herbal medication. It would arouse sexual desire and libido in both men and women. But as with any other product, it must not be taken in the appearance of particular pathologies without first consulting your professional.

What to eat for healthy sperm?

Finally, the things to avoid: extreme stress, alcohol intake, and smoking, saturated and hydrogenated fats which are a kind of unsaturated fat.

A recommendation is always valid: whatever you choose to take, your doctor’s opinion is always required.

And at the table?

Is there also a diet that can surely affect the taste and smell of the ejaculate, as well as its density and color? There is some information on some foods and drinks that humans can take or withdraw from, making it better.

Foods yes: grapes; cinnamon; mint; pineapple; papaya; melon; apple; lemon; citrus fruits.

1. Tuck into nuts

Nuts carry omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, selenium and zinc, plus folate – all thought to improve sperm count. A 2018 meta-analysis, written in the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, found an increase in sperm count and quality among fertile men who ate a 60g mix of almonds, hazelnuts walnuts every day alongside their daily diet.

2. Particularly Brazil nuts

These nuts are a rich source of selenium. Canadian researchers discovered that low selenium levels are connected to low male fertility, while higher levels could increase reproduction rates. Just two Brazil nuts a day can give all the selenium you need (55mcg) but don’t overdo it.

3. Avoid hot baths

Wallowing in hot water isn’t enough for your sperm count. A 2007 study by the University of California studied 11 infertile men who spent at least 30 minutes immersed in hot baths, Jacuzzis, or hot tubs each week. Vidalista 40 is also a great choice for ED problems. They discovered that a tub-free routine improved their sperm numbers by nearly 500%.

4. Go easy on soy foods

Soy foods like tofu and soya milk include plant estrogens called phytoestrogens. In humans, they have a related effect on the female hormone oestrogen, so it’s thought they may conflict with sperm production.13 A 2008 study carried out by Harvard School of Public Health published that a diet rich in soy foods or drinks was connected to a lower sperm count,14 so cut down your intake if you’re concerned.

Now it’s time to improve your love life


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