Product Inspection in China

Product Inspection in China

In manufacturing operations in China, a correct quality control of the product and its handling is key to avoid all those costs derived from the non-quality of the product.

If we are going to make a large order to China, conducting an inspection of the company before formally carrying out the order is crucial.

Product Inspection in China

Quality control inspections allow the detection at source of defects, functional limitations and checking models, quantities of merchandise or quality levels equal to the approved samples, thus minimizing the risks.

The main objective of these inspections is to verify that our supplier actually manufactures the product we want to buy and is an expert in that product.

Thus, a factory audit will help us acquire the information we need to make sure that the potential supplier has the capacity to produce the goods and has a quality control system. It will also help us to avoid scams and factories without experience.

The quality assurance offered by the inspections consists of analyzing all the steps that prevent quality problems from appearing.

The most important steps are:

  • Review the design of new products, thinking about potential problems.
  • Approve good manufacturers.
  • Ensure that the buyer’s requirements are clear to all parties based on perfect samples.
  • Verify production, in different stages.

This guarantee is very important, since the return of defective products imported from China is complicated and expensive.

CIQ for Exports

Legal inspection of export products that must be within the location and duration of the AQSIQ uniform provisions, holders of contracts and other necessary documents and approval documents related to the entry-exit inspection and the quarantine inspection agency. The legal inspection of export products without inspection or without qualification is not allowed for export.

Exports must be proven in the producer of basic products. AQSIQ according to the need to facilitate foreign trade and the import and export of product inspection, inspection designated elsewhere.

Management of the export of goods to certification, the shipper will apply to the entry-exit inspection and quarantine agencies to verify. Exit the inspection and quarantine institutions to implement the verification in accordance with the provisions of the AQSIQ.

In the production of commodities for inspection at the export port, the products need export replacement by product production to the CIQ inspection in accordance with the regulations issued by the replacement coupons. The shipper must have replacement inspection vouchers and the necessary documents within the prescribed time limit, the port inspection and the quarantine institution for examination. After inspection, qualified by port inspection and quarantine agencies to issue customs clearance of goods.

Legal inspection of export products, implementation of verification management of export products, Customs with cargo inspection and quarantine agencies to issue customs formalities for customs clearance.

the legal inspection of the inspection of export products by the inspection and quarantine authorities or by the port inspection and the quarantine authorities cannot be inspected under the supervision of the inspection and exit of technical processing and the quarantine authorities, the re-inspection, and they will be allowed to export; not after the technical processing or the re-examination of technical processing has not yet been fulfilled, it is not allowed to export

Apart from the legal inspection of export products, the entry-exit inspection and the quarantine agencies did not pass a random inspection, in accordance with the treatment provisions.

Verify the implementation of the management of export products, the inspection of entry and exit and the quarantine agencies to verify the unqualified reference to the provisions of treatment or the transfer of the interested departments.

The manufacturer of packages for dangerous goods packaging will be applied to the inspection of entry and exit and to the operation of said packages by the quarantine agencies. The containers through the inspection and quarantine authorities and obtain a certificate of authenticity of performance before dangerous products packaged.

The company that produces dangerous export goods will be applied to the entry-exit inspection and the quarantine agencies use it to identify dangerous goods packaging. Use unidentified or identified dangerous goods containers that are not allowed to be exported.

For export shipments of perishable food, frozen product containers, cabins, aircraft, vehicles and other means of delivery, the carrier, the packing unit or its agent will request that the sanitary and quarantine inspection and inspection agencies make prior shipments , Refrigeration, Reclast and other fitness inspection. Not checked or by unqualified, are not allowed for shipping. To get the best product inspection service visit Tetra Inspection.