pre-shipment inspection

Sampling inspection

Sampling inspection

We already know the minimum production level recommended during a pre-board inspection to ensure its reliability: ”  Pre-board inspection: production level “. There is another important condition to consider: how the sampling for the inspection is done.
During the preparation of a sampling inspection protocol, the first thing to determine is the number of samples to be checked. The second is to determine where to take them.

You can also read about: What is a Pre-Shipment Inspection

pre-shipment inspection

Sampling inspection: where to take the samples?

This is a very important issue, generally overlooked by buyers. Samples are collected in the finished goods from the one already packaged in priority, and the one awaiting packing (if there is any).
That is why, during a request for inspection during production or before shipment, it is better to specify the quantity of packaged product available on the day of the inspection.

Sampling inspection: Practical case

Pre-shipment inspection for an order of 5000 products is required under the following conditions: 100% of the goods must be completed and 90% packed. This means that when the inspector arrives at the factory, at least 4500 pieces must be finished and packaged. The rest must be finished, waiting for packing.
The inspector then checks a sample based on the AQL II table, the standard level usually used. This represents a sample inspection of 200 pieces, selected as follows:

180 pieces are taken from the finished and packaged products

20 pieces are taken from the finished products waiting for packing

These conditions are those recommended, however, each importer has his own; some prefer to control only packaged finished products. In this case, it is sufficient for the importer to inform the quality control company of his own conditions at the time of the reservation of the service.

In the event that the conditions granted prove to be lower on the day of the inspection, the inspector is responsible for clearly informing the customer by indicating the actual situation in the final inspection report.

Pre Shipment Inspection

In the end, the quantities manufactured and packaged must be those requested by the buyer from the supplier to ensure the reliability of the inspection.