Use of Drone Technology in Aerial Photography

Use of Drone Technology in Aerial Photography

Use of Drone Technology in Aerial Photography

One of the areas that are often shunned by a lot of photographers is aerial photography using a drone. Yet this is one of the most exciting developments in photography for several years. They are mostly equipped with high-resolution cameras that allow you to capture unique points of view of common subjects. Below this post is about aerial photography and use of drone technology in it. Here the thing that you really need to remember that the choice of drone camera has great importance. As a professional photographer make it sure to see the buyers trend of the market first before buying any professional drone camera. This will not only allow you to know what exactly people are buying from the market, but also this will allow you to find out the right drone camera that meets your requirements and needs at very best.

Drones Technology

As with most modern technologies, there is a wide range of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) on the market. As with photographic equipment in general, the amount you are willing to spend will determine the quality of the camera on the board of the drone itself. There are inexpensive models that will take very basic pictures. You can even add your GoPro to some of your own equipment. There is a range of models and holds a large percentage of the market; it is of course DJI. Their range of Phantom drones is the first choice for drone aerial photographers, and they are top-of-the-line models, the Phantom 3 series are the most popular UAVs in the world.

How to Start

One of the main features of drones “Flying out of the box” is a common term that you will see in their ads, and in fact, it’s also very true. Charge the battery, download the application on your Smartphone, launch it, and off you go.

However, it should be mentioned that, while they are easy to fly, they are important parts of flying. It is suggested that you start with some limitations in your Smartphone, which allows you to control your drone. It is usually a good idea to limit the maximum height and also how far you can fly the drone.

Always start with an open area, such as a park, and spend time with the controls. Always be aware of where you are in relation to your surroundings. Since these cameras usually have a wide-angle lens (about 20mm), it’s easy to misjudge your positioning when you’re nearing such objects and buildings, especially if you’re watching a small screen of a Smartphone.

Rules and Regulations

Most countries have rules to follow, and they are not same everywhere

  • The drone must always be visible to the user.
  • Maximum height of 130 meters.
  • Never fly over groups of people
  • Respect the privacy of others.
  • No flights to airports and other no-fly zones.

Here, Rocky Mountain Aerials “a professional photography company is Denver Colorado, USA” suggest you to check with your local aviation safety authorities.

It’s very important to fly with that attitude in mind. And another thing about public places: you’ll be ready to go to the center of attention because you’ll be very intrigued by what you do. It is also tempting to think that you are going to make money from your photography. Again, this is another area where the rules of the country, and you should look at the certification.

Amazing technology

Today’s drones have an amazing technology on board that has revolutionized aerial photography:

  • By connecting your Smartphone to your portable remote control, you can see on the screen exactly what the drone is filming. This makes composition adjustments simpler.
  • The camera controls are extended – automatic or full manual control, RAW capture, even time-lapse
  • The drone will hover in the same place with incredible stability, almost like an aerial tripod! You can take your hands off the controls and the drone will stay in that position.
  • Failsafe flight options. With an average flight time of 20 minutes per battery charge, the drone can detect when your battery is low and switches to RTH (Return Home) mode, ensuring the drone comes back to you. If for some reason the Lightbridge connection between the remote control and the machine itself is lost (this may happen when flying behind buildings or trees), once again, the RTH is activated. Another great utility of the RTH function is that when you have lost sight of the drone, which is quite easy to do once it is away from you, by pressing the RTH button, you’re flying camera will happily come back to you in an instant.

Air Photo

When you start flying, it’s very exciting to come home, load up your images and marvel at the incredible scenes you’ve captured. Remember that aerial photography is no different from other forms of photography – it’s always about understanding the light! As a landscape photographer, you always need to be aware of the weather & climate. Now, even more, have a pilot drone, you will also need to take into account the wind forecast. Drones are not something you fly in the wind.

Most drones nowadays produce high quality video, even up to 4K, producing breathtaking aerial images. In fact, in 4K resolution, it is possible to directly output a high-quality picture of the video. So as a professional photographer you must focus on drone technology and use it freely for your clients as well for you to capture amazing images from different angles. No doubt, drone cameras have earned the utmost importance in photography nowadays.