Authentic Himalayan Salt Lamps

Authentic Himalayan Salt Lamps

Where Are Authentic Himalayan Salt Lamps Made?

Himalayan salt lamps have become a favourite decorative item for both commercial and residential uses because of its several benefits. They are most suitable to be installed indoors due to the meteorological conditions that may affect them. For instance, putting them outdoors may expose them to the risk of being damaged or melted by strong winds and harsh sun rays. However, they can still be used for outdoor events when affixed on salt lamp holders.

Authentic Himalayan salt Lamps

The authenticity of the salt lamps can be assessed using several methods. One of the most popular methods includes checking the crystalline structures of the rocks. While this may be challenging to check with the normal eye, it is a particular way of checking for authenticity. Most individuals can relate to the phrase that “no two salt lamps are indistinguishable”. This is what can be used to distinguish between the fake and authentic salt lamps. In addition to this, the Himalayan salt lamps are available in many designs that involve sizes, shapes, and colours. Also, all the genuine Himalayan salt lamps are made from salt rocks mined in the Himalayan mountains in Pakistan. Despite there being other sources of authentic Himalayans salt lamps, it is always best to be careful when buying them from available stores. This article explores the different ways we can use to ensure the authenticity of salt lamps before buying.

Authentic Himalayan Salt Lamps
Authentic Himalayan Salt Lamps

Authentic salt lamps are from Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan

Himalayas Mountains in Pakistan are the most popular sources of authentic salt lamps in the world today. The rocks are mined with care before they are customized to different shapes and sizes to suit the requests of customers across the globe. When buying salt lamps for interior décor needs or for the outdoor events, it is advisable to ask the vendor about the source. Any salt lamp that originates from Khewra salt mine in Pakistan may be deemed authentic. This does not, however, mean that there are no other salt mines available.

Real Himalayan salt lamps sweat

The hygroscopic nature of salt lamps has made many people believe that they sweat when they are turned on. The Authentic Himalayan salt Lamps have a high level of hygroscopy such that when turned on, the negative ions attract a lot of water droplets which are positively charged from the atmosphere. This then results in them sweating and forming water puddles at the base. For fake salt lamps, they do not have the hygroscopic characteristic, which makes them remain dry all through even when turned on. This should be a feature to check when one installs a Himalayan salt lamp in their home, and they need to verify the authenticity.

Himalayan salt lamps easily chip off

If you have a Himalayan salt lamp in your residence, you might have observed some of the pieces chipping from its sides. If you thought of the lamp as being faulty, they are not and are actually working perfectly.  Real salt lamps from Himalayas mountains chip off, expressly if they are kept on for long hours. The chipping aspect is a test of authenticity that every property owner ought to check when buying or using salt lamps in their homes or any other space. Ordinarily, the chippings from the side of the salt lamp should be wiped away to avoid causing injuries to the people handling them.

Production of uneven light

When salt rocks are mined from quarries, they are cut into assorted shapes and sizes. The forms are irregular and which results in uneven lighting when a bulb is fitted on the salt rock. Usually, for a customized lamp, it would be normal to have one that emits light homogeneously. However, it is unlikely to find a salt lamp that produces light that is even when turned on. If you find one that emits light evenly, then you might be using a fake brand of a salt lamp which is not recommended.

Checking the crystalline structure of salt lamps

With the necessary skills and knowledge, checking the crystalline structure of the salt rocks can help to resolve whether they are authentic or fake. Typically, even when the salt rocks are cut from one stone, they have different crystalline structures. When two or more salt crystal lamps are similar in structure, this may be a red alert to avoid them at all costs. There are no authentic Himalayan salt Lamps that are identical to each other. When buying them from a store, the buyer should check the crystalline structure so that they can determine their authenticity before they decide on installing them in their homes or office.

Authentic  salt crystal lamps cannot be used for lighting up a room

Most people can confound a Himalayan salt lamp to a night light and buy them to light up their interior. their interior spaces. Authentic salt lamps due to their uneven thickness cannot emit enough light to light up a room. Therefore, they appear dark and dull when installing in an interior space.  When salt lamps are identified as emitting too much light than average, then this should be an alert for a fake type.

Real Himalayan salt lamps have health benefits

health benefits
health benefits

There are many health benefits associated with pure Himalayan salt lamps. One such benefit includes removing dust and pollen particles from the atmosphere, which makes it restful for asthmatic patients. Among other benefits includes deodorizing the air within a home, thus causing relaxation and reduction of stress for the users. If your salt lamp does not exhibit any of these popular characteristics, there is a prospect that you could be using a counterfeit Himalayan salt lamp.

Have you been thinking about where to buy salt lamps? Fab Glass and Mirror supplies a variety of high-quality authentic salt lamps of different shapes, colours, and sizes. Also, they sell stands that can be used for affixing pure Himalayan salt lamps, especially in homes with infants and pets to avoid getting the lamps knocked over or broken. The company also offers a guarantee on the durability of the salt lamps.